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 Le Wild du Minnestota

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Messages : 532
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2008

Le Wild du Minnestota Empty
MessageSujet: Le Wild du Minnestota   Le Wild du Minnestota EmptyDim 11 Mai - 12:03

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Mark Parrish R MINNESOTA 30 2250000 5 77 72 73 71 66 73 78 72 72 59 69 76 74 70 75
Marian Gaborik R MINNESOTA 25 5000000 3 84 81 86 66 67 63 92 87 80 59 64 71 83 65 78
Mikko Koivu R MINNESOTA 24 3250000 4 57 67 69 74 71 66 67 84 76 73 54 67 64 70 71
Branko Radivojevic R MINNESOTA 26 600000 2 67 66 68 67 67 72 74 76 73 52 55 69 67 68 69
Éric Bélanger C MINNESOTA 29 1750000 3 75 74 73 66 67 62 78 72 72 75 63 72 74 65 73
Pavol Demitra C MINNESOTA 32 4500000 2 79 83 82 72 71 65 84 77 79 79 76 72 81 69 78
Brian Rolston C MINNESOTA 34 2432000 2 82 78 78 75 78 69 85 81 79 75 72 76 79 74 78
Dominic Moore C MINNESOTA 27 700000 2 57 62 60 76 75 67 71 76 66 71 48 67 59 72 69
Stéphane Veilleux L MINNESOTA 25 550000 1 61 62 67 67 69 70 73 77 75 69 66 70 63 68 70
Pierre-Marc Bouchard L MINNESOTA 23 2100000 1 71 79 79 66 69 57 82 83 84 74 59 64 76 64 74
Jan Hrdina L MINNESOTA 31 2600000 3 74 77 70 76 80 67 75 80 70 81 62 70 73 74 75
Todd Fedoruk L MINNESOTA 28 875000 1 45 56 50 69 69 81 64 60 20 51 76 83 50 73 65
James Sheppard L MINNESOTA 19 850000 3 62 68 65 56 55 56 71 75 67 56 60 64 65 55 67
Brent Burns D MINNESOTA 22 775000 2 62 63 61 77 74 75 75 68 78 57 64 78 62 75 72
Kurtis Foster D MINNESOTA 25 1025000 1 73 64 64 70 70 70 65 73 62 53 52 78 67 70 69
Martin Skoula D MINNESOTA 27 1800000 2 68 71 70 70 69 69 77 77 75 52 66 71 69 69 71
Kim Johnsson D MINNESOTA 31 4050000 4 75 77 74 75 77 72 78 79 75 51 71 74 75 74 75
Petteri Nummelin D MINNESOTA 34 1100000 2 66 73 66 64 65 57 78 66 81 53 63 67 68 62 69
Sean Hill D MINNESOTA 37 450000 1 67 64 65 76 77 76 73 73 62 58 76 76 65 76 72
Josh Harding G MINNESOTA 23 950000 3 69 64 59 67 60 73 73 67 82 66 49 64 64 66 70
Ty Conklin G 31 2750000 3 69 73 70 75 71 73 76 82 77 66 61 73 70 73 72
Niklas Backstrom G MINNESOTA 29 3100000 2 78 77 74 78 77 78 76 82 83 77 66 73 76 77 77
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